HINDUISM - Religion of spirituality

Hinduism is the oldest living religion in the world. It is more than 7000 years old, to the prehistoric times. The fundamental book – Rig Veda was written 3800 years ago.
1. The largest Hindu temple in the world is surprisingly not in India but is in Angkor Wat, Cambodia. Area of 820,000-meter square!!

2. Hinduism is the world’s oldest known religion, with its roots going back to 10,000 years and Hindu Literature dating back to 7000 BCE.

3. Ayurveda, the plant-based medical treatment practice has its roots in Hinduism.

4. Hinduism has spread across many countries over the years, especially in Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and other South East Asian countries.

5. People following Hinduism around the world are approx 1 Billion people which are 14% of the World’s Population.

6. “Hinduism” is not the real word for the religion. That was made up by Greeks and Arabs to those living by the Sindhu river. The real name for Hinduism is Sanātana Dharma. This means “eternal dharma”, or eternal truth.

8. The Vedas were preserved for over 5,000 years without the use of printing. This was done by memorization!

9. Hinduism believes in a circular rather than a linear concept of time
Time is divided into four ages - the Satya Yuga (the golden age of innocence), Tretha Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali-yuga.

10.108 is a sacred number in Hinduism and it is considered auspicious
This is why malas and garlands have 108 beads. 108 is actually the ratio of the sun and the moon's distance from the Earth.

11. Karma: The spiritual Newton’s third law

Hinduism believes in reincarnation. In a cycle of a reincarnated soul, ‘Moksha’ or salvation can be achieved through good Karma only.
source: Quora
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